Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pasta and Turkey Cream Sauce

Once in a while, we like having pasta in cream sauce (although Mr T still prefers the tomato sauce). Some people might find cream sauce too heavy for a meal, but I find the creamy texture utterly satisfying and further perfectionised with the addition of wild mushrooms, smoked salmon, turkey mince and leek. For this time, I chose to include only the latter two and finish the dish off with grated parmesan to create a rich but delicate sauce. I usually like fusilli (spiral) pasta as it blends in well with the cream sauce.
Fusilli pasta usually go well with cream sauce.

Turkey Cream Sauce

500g turkey mince
1 brown onion, chopped
1 leek, sliced lengthways
1 tsp salt
1 tsp white pepper
1 tsp brown sugar
1 tsp italian herbs
375mL chicken stock
300mL light thickened cream
Corn flour and water
Grated parmesan

1 On HIGH heat, brown onion with salt, pepper, sugar and italian herbs.
2 Add turkey mince, followed by leek.
3 Pour in chicken stock. Boil until all ingredients are cooked through.
4 Stir in thickened cream, simmer over MEDIUM heat.
5 Stir in corn water, continue to simmer over LOW heat until sauce thickens.
6 Garnish with grated parmesan and parsley.


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