Saturday, May 29, 2010

Malted Hazelnut Milk Shake

Horlick used to be my favourite childhood beverage. Somewhere along the process of growing up, it vanished altogether from my life. Now this long lost hearty flavour has once again returned and we can't wait to make something nice out of it. I must say Mr T is a good milk shake maker. We enjoy it so much now that we are bound to have a glass each everynight. It dozes me off quickly. I sleep like a baby through most nights.

Serves 2

2 scoops hazelnut gelato
2 tbsp nutella
4 tbsp horlicks
1½ cups chocolate soymilk
2 ripe bananas (optional)

1 Blend all ingredients in a blender.
2 Chill in fridge for an hour.


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